
Paul Rickert was a American artist whose masterful works capture the fleeting beauty of both urban and natural landscapes, reflecting his deep emotional resonance and technical precision. His evocative works continue to inspire and captivate.

The art of
Paul Rickert

Paul Rickert’s works are not merely painted scenes; they are sanctuaries where the mutable is captured and immortalized, inviting viewers to dwell in moments that defy the relentless march of time.

“I play with timelessness. I hold on to something that is changeable and make it eternal.”

-Paul Rickert

Each piece is conceived as intimate dialogue, each stroke laden with the intent to evoke and engage in a silent yet profound communion with the viewer. 

“The form of my work is deliberate, a relationship between myself and those who view my paintings.”

-Paul Rickert

Each piece captures the essence of his subjects through carefully chosen symbols. These symbols transform his landscapes into rich tapestries of meaning, inviting viewers to explore the intricate interplay between the natural world and the modern age

“I strive to find symbols in the environment that reflect deeper emotions. Through these elements, I convey the intricate relationship between humanity and the world around us.”

-Paul Rickert

The life of
Paul Rickert
Paul Rickert was born on June 21, 1945, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Raised along the enchanting Wissahickon Creek, where 19th-century luminaries Thomas Moran and William Trost Richards once painted, Rickert was steeped in an artistic tradition from the beginning. His father, William Rickert, a distinguished artist and illustrator, provided early mentorship, fostering Paul’s burgeoning talent. Immersed in a household where art flourished, Rickert developed a profound appreciation for beauty and craftsmanship. This foundation was further solidified at the Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, California, where he graduated in 1974, equipped with the skills and vision that would define his career. Paul divided his time between the rugged Maine coast and the historic charm of the Chestnut Hill section of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, both of which are featured prominently in his works.

During Paul Rickert’s tenure as a combat artist in Vietnam, he applied his exceptional skill to capture the stark realities and emotional intensity of the war. Drafted into the U.S. Army at the age of 19, Rickert joined the Vietnam Combat Artists Program, serving from August to December 1966. His artwork from this period is marked by a meticulous attention to detail and a profound ability to convey the immediacy of the combat experience. His compositions often juxtapose the chaos of battle with the serene beauty of the Vietnamese landscape, reflecting a complex interplay of violence and tranquility. This period not only honed his technical skills but also deepened his artistic vision, enabling him to render the human condition with empathy and precision.

The legacy of
Paul Rickert
• Windsor Newton Award, National Arts Club, NY
• Gold Medal of Honor, Allied Artists of America
• Edgar Whitney Award, American Watercolor Society
• Edith Ogden Harrison Award, Woodmere Art Museum, Philadelphia, PA
• First Prize, Los Angeles Art Center College of Design
• Charles Knox Smith Founders Prize, Woodmere Art Museum, Philadelphia, PA
• Maybelle Longstreet Prize, Woodmere Art Museum, Philadelphia, PA
• Franklin Mint Gold Medal Award for Distinguished Watercolor Art, The Franklin Mint
Gallery of American Art, Franklin Center, PA
• Work featured in American Artist Magazine’s special edition, “The Best of Watercolor”
• The Forbes Collection, NYC
• Fischbach Gallery, NYC
• Farnsworth Museum, Rockland, ME
• Hahn Gallery, Philadelphia, PA
• Alexander Milliken Gallery, NYC
• GlaxoSmithKline, PA
• J.C. Penny Co., TX
• Norfolk Southern Corp, VA
• Wachovia Bank, PA

For information about purchasing Paul Rickert’s works, please email [email protected]